Los Angeles has a lot of photogenic locations. I can be very happy just by walking around the town and
looking for things and places to photograph these days. My CASIO EXLIM compact digital camera had stopped working since last year so I bought a new SLR camera. But due to its preciousness, I only used it once. I cannot bring the camera everywhere I go so I usually end up using my iPhone a lot. I love the compactness and convenience of it. Almost everyday I take pictures of food, flowers, leaves, buildings, colors I see, etc...all of them using my iPhone.
Here are some photos from last outing. Today's blog title is called {Looking Up.}
Because I realized that all the shots were taken from low angle unlike my other photos taken with TiltShift Generator.
This time I used Hipstamatic app on iPhone to get the retro look and feel.
Also I photoshopped a little bit to give more dreamy look.
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