Monday, June 20, 2011

Stair-Fry Yam with green seeweed / 長芋の青のりいため

I cooked a dish "Stair-Fry Yam with green seeweed" for dinner. Recipe was chosen from a book called "Appetizers for Sake(Alcohol Drinks)." All I needed to get was yum, sesame oil, garlic, green seeweed, and salt. I didn't drink so it's more like a side dish for my dinner. Taste is light and the texture is crunchy. Won my vote for a perfect summer dish.

今日は、お酒のつまみ本(北海道新聞ポケットブック)からのレシピから、長イモのシャリシャリ青のりいためを選んで調理しました。材料もいたってシンプルで、長芋、ごま油、ニンニク、青のり、塩のみ♪ つまみというよりも夕飯のおかずでしたが、さっぱりとした味と、しゃりしゃりとした口当たりが夏にぴったりな一品。

Friday, June 17, 2011

Banana Cheese Cake @ Vanille De Patisserie / バナナチーズケーキ

What a delicate and delicious cheesecake it is. When you walk into the shop, shop attendant would offer you a sample of their cake of the day. There offer more than one kind of cheesecake that you may want to check out. I tried banana cheese cake, Japanese cheese cake, and lemon cheese cake. A bite of the lemon cheese cake gives you sweet and sour refreshing taste in your mouth. You can sit and eat at the cozy shop along with a cup of coffee as well.

デリケートな見た目で美味しいケーキが買えるお店。いつも何かしらケーキのサンプルをくれる。日本のケーキのように甘過ぎずさっぱりしているし、小振りなので、ちょっと一口デザートを食べたい時におすすめです。チーズケーキの種類がたくさんあるので、チェックしてみてください♪ レモンチーズケーキもさっぱり酸味があって美味しかったです。


Monday, June 13, 2011

Jenny the Japanese doll / ジェニーちゃん人形

There are similar products both in Japan and US. Barbie doll like Japanese doll, Jenny, is one of them.  When I was little, I would play with Jenny dolls with my friends. There is another doll named, Rika, but I would prefer Jenny because she has more matured face. After school, I would go get my own Jenny doll and visit my friend's house. Craft minded friend's mom would sew dresses for Jenny and give them to us. I may still have Jenny in an attic at my parents' house. 

Current Jenny looks different in both face and fashion to reflect the current trend^^




Upcycled Party Decoration / アップサイクルしたパーティーの飾り

"Upcycle" seems like a recent big trend among craft makers. I thought people came up with the word because it sounds better than recycle but each word has its own meanings.

Upcycling - the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value(from wikipedia.)

Recycling - the process of using used materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials(from wikipedia.).

I have a tendency to be drawn to those creative Upcycled crafts. Above is a paper decoration I made using old magazines and product catalogs for my friend at work. Yap, it's upcycled. I am grateful for things I learned in kindergarten. Those things still helps me to enjoy life.




Friday, June 10, 2011

mister Donut / ミスタードーナツ

Donut is visually appealing as well as its taste! Donuts at a Japanese donut store mister Donuts have a variety of appealing donuts.

Happy Friday / ハッピーフライデー

We had a guest from Germany at work. He wanted a hamburger so we took him to RUBY'S by the beach. After lunch, we went to get another America's popular sweet at Krispy Kreme
I love the very American graphics they use.  


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

For Polaroid Photo Lovers / ちっちゃいポラロイドマグネット


Last month, my friend at work had showed me a craft project he wanted to do for mother's day with his 3 year-old daughter.  It's a fun project introduced by a talented graphic designer, Jennifer Kirk at her blog. It's called Tiny Polaroid Magnets at Ambrosia Girl. He shared a couple of magnets later and they all look stunning! They look like cute mini Polaroid photos!  His selections of images were artistic and high quality too. The thin glossy coating on each piece brings the quality much higher. It's a great present for everyone. I rolled up my sleeves and started making them too♪ I can't wait to see smiles of my friends and family!

会社の友達が母の日に娘さんと一緒に作るんだ~と見せてくれたポラロイド風マグネット。グラフィックデザイナーのジェニファーさんのブログで作り方を発見したとの事。完成した作品を見たら、本当に小さいポラロイド写真みたいでかわいい~!写真の上にうっすらと光沢を出す特別な塗装がしてあるのだけど、この効果がもう少し作品の完成度を上げている気がする。素晴らしいプレゼントだと思うので、私も時間を見つけてはコツコツ作成することに♪ 喜ぶ顔を見るのが楽しみ!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Baked Donuts / ヘルシードーナツ

"Apricot Donut"

My friend Gozen brought me a box of baked donuts from Beach City Baked Donuts. I've been wanting to try their donuts and she read my mind. Their donuts are baked, not deep fried. Their basic honey drip donut is 150 calories(Glazed donut from Krispy creme is 200 calories.) Texture is almost like Japanese mini Castella sponge cake and it feels lighter and healthier. 
I checked out their website and found that they offer about 20 flavors (offering changes daily.)
Gozen chose 6 different flavors for me (thank you!!) Apricot was my today's pick♪

お友達のGozenさんが、Beach City Baked Donutsの揚げていないドーナツをお土産に持って来てくれました^^ 前々から気になっていたので感激。名前の通り揚げていないので、どちらかというと日本のミニカステラのような生地でヘルシーな印象。ベーシックなHoney Drip は150キロカロリーだそうです(ちなみにクリスピークリームのグレーズドーナッツは200キロカロリーです。)ドーナツの種類も、日によりますが、20種類くらいあるようです。Gozenさんが6種類違うフレーバーを選んで来てくれたので、今日はアプリコットを食べました♪ Gozenさんありがとう!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Sunday Wedding / ハッピーサンデーウエディング

Sunday was my friend's wedding day. We started working around the same time at the current company about 6 years ago. I was very happy to be a part of their life time event! Congrats K&D!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Flat Flowers / お花スティッカー♡

Last Feburary, I visited Rjork. When we were shopping, I found super cute flower stickers on the window.  Rjork remembered about my excitement and she sent two stickers after I came back to the states. I couldn't make up my mind where to stick the second sticker but I finally found a spot for the sticker in the kitchen. It brightens up the seems that I can never get enough of flatflowers♡

2月にオランダに遊びに行った時に、ひとめぼれしたお花のスティッカー。親愛なるRjorkちゃんがオランダから2種類も送ってくれた♪ 1枚は早速貼ったのだけど、もう1枚は貼る所を考えて、結局貼らずじまい。もったいないから、今日台所の窓に貼ってみる。う〜ん、かわいい・・・♡何枚あっても足りないかも・・・♡

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vintage Greeting Card / ヴィンテージグリーティングカード

This is a vintage greeting card I scored at the craft fair on Sunday. The cute and happy wording & lettering caught my eye so I got it as an inspirational piece. 
