Monday, May 30, 2011

Photos of 2011 Patchwork Indie Arts & Crafts Festival /2011 クラフトフェスティバルの写真

I made a real quick stop at the Patchwork Indie Arts & Crafts Festival in Santa Ana. It was sunny and there seem to be more people than last year's event.  



There are lots of booths with uniquely designed products. I didn't want to take a photo of those booths too much so I got some business cards.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Patchwork - Indie Arts and Crafts Festival / クラフトフェア in Santa Ana, CA

The event starts from 11am till 5pm. Admission is free. There is a parking within a walking distance. I posted some photos of the event from last year below.

今日5月29日は、Patchwork - Indie Arts and Crafts Festivalの日。11AM - 5PMで、

Patchwork - Indie Arts and Crafts Festival

2202 N Main St
Santa Ana, CA 92706



Friday, May 27, 2011

Water color poppies..../水彩 ポピー...

Verdant Acres Dinnerware at Anthropologie

Water color poppies on a dish. I have a weak spot for watercolor. I want to see the dish in in person.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Origami Rose / 折り紙でつくるバラ

One of the things that I enjoy at a Japanese hair salon is to read Japanese magazines. They usually cost more than twice as their cost in Japan, I can't but that often so when I'm at a hair salon, I would go through as many magazines I can. There were cute pages of new style origami art. Simple me is always attracted and excited when I see paper magic. Here are a photo of my first Origami Rose. Looks more like carnation?

日本の美容室に行くと楽しみなのが、雑誌を読む事☆ こちらで買うと、日本の値段の2倍以上はするので、なかなか買えないのでここぞとばかりに数冊一気に読みまくる。先日は折り紙特集発見。ついつい紙細工に心魅かれてわくわくしてしまう単純な私。なかなか難しい。バラというよりカーネーションになったかな?

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Happiest Place on the Earth / 地球で一番幸せな場所

The Disney Gallery / "The Colors of Mary Blair"

I recently went to the most happiest place on the earth(I've heard the expression before somewhere.) They are having a special exhibition for one of disney's artists, Mary Blair. Her famous work is not only Alice in wonderland and It's a small world attraction at the disneyland.
Her work makes me really happy. Lots of colors and cute imaginative buildings and characters in her pictures are amazing.

最近地球で最も幸せな場所と言われる所へ行ってきました。今行くと、ディズニーギャラリーにてMary Blairさんというディズニーのアーティストの方の作品の展示会が見られます。Maryさんの代表作の中には、不思議の国のアリスや、イッツアスモールワールドがあります。彼女の作品を見るととってもハッピーな気持ちになります。カラフルでかわいらしい創造的な建物やキャラクターは本当に素晴らしいです。

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tea Chiffon Cake / 紅茶シフォンケーキ

Chiffon Cake with whipped cream and heart-shaped strawberries. Wow...this chiffon cake is amazing!!! I could like cupcakes more if the sponge is soft and airy^^


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Strawberry Cupcake @ Susie Cakes / スージーケーキのストロベリーカップケーキ

最近テレビでCupcake Warなんかをよく見るので、カップケーキが食べたくて食べたくて。
気になるカップケーキ屋さん、"Susie Cakes"があったので行ってみる。


I've been watching a TV show called "Cupcake Wars" and it makes me crave for cupcakes.
I happened to be in an area where Susie Cupcakes is located so decided to score cupcakes.

The store was hosting a cake decoration class when I was there so there were full of students trying to get a group photo with their cupcakes. Fun! All the colorful pastel cupcakes made me wanna have them all but I chose a strawberry cupcake. The strawberry frosting was very sweet!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Okame Mask Print / おかめちゃんの版画


A couple of days ago, I talked about my dandelion print sold at Etsy. I got another order from an artist in Canada who placed an order for my other print called Okame Mask. She said that the Okame makes her feel happy when she looks at her ^^ Her kind and warm message made me feel very happy. Thanks to the internet, I feel that we are able to connect to people who are living outside of your reach in everyday life. I feel grateful.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Tuesday / ハッピー火曜日♪

ハッピー火曜日♪ 日が長くなってきて、今日の日没は7時40分くらい。仕事の後海に走りに行く。写真は今日の海の写真。走り終わってもまだ明るいので得した気分♪

Hoping that weekday is going to be as fun as weekends - that's what I mean by Happy Tuesday♪ Today's sunset was about 7:40pm in Los Angeles. I drove 10 minutes to jog at the beach. Here is a photo from today's beach. After jogging, the sun was still shining. Thank you sunshine! I felt really good on Tuesday♪

Monday, May 9, 2011

Crazy about garland / ガーランドに夢中・・・


I am crazy about garlands these days. Recently I am having lots of fun by looking at cute garlands on Etsy. In my living room, I put up a garland I bought in the Netherlands even though there is no party. I think I am addicted to garlands^^;

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Adobe Illustrator User's Group @ Working Village / アドビイラストレーターのイベントに参加

Today I went to an Adobe Illustrator's User Group event after work. The event was held on the first place of this modern office called Working Village on Main street in Santa Monica.

今日は会社の後、アドビイラストレーターのユーザーズグループのイベントに参加して来ました。イベント会場は、Working Villageというところの1階で、ベニスよりのサンタモニカの海に近いメインストリートにあるモダンな所。

Working Village

You can rent an office here at Working Village. The price starts from $5. It looks like a great place for people who work as freelancers and want to get out of house and change their environment for change. They also have meeting rooms. Beach is walking distance and you can borrow beach chairs with a built-in network card. How awesome it sounds!

Event was from 7 to 9pm and we had two presenters. First presenter was Chana Messer. Chana was a energetic lady who showed us new Adobe 5.5 features as well as other useful features all designers can get benefit from using them. I am going to try what I learned tomorrow.

Second speaker was tonight's guest speaker, Milka Broukhim. She showed us lots of examples of typography designs and artwork and taught us how much you can be creative without using computer programs. I was very inspired and the thinking reminded me of how it was in school. I am so dependent on computer these days at work but it's a great reminder not to forget about the energy, passion, and curiosity to push myself to experiment a variety of ways to express using my own hands. Thank you very much Ms. Milka Broukhim!

Besides the event, I made a friend and it was such a fun night.
I am going to look for more events to check out to broaden my world : )


イベントは7−9時までで、プレゼンターは2人。一人目はCHANA MESSERさん。Chanaさんが、新しくリリースされたアドビの5.5の目玉機能を紹介してくれました。今まで使っていなかった機能の発見があったので、明日早速オフィスで使ってみたいと思います。

2人目のプレゼンターで、本日のゲストスピーカーはMILKA BROUKHIMさん。タイポグラフィーのデジタルだけではないアナログな表現方法をたくさん紹介して下さって、目からウロコ。学生時代の事を思い出しました。今はコンピューターばかりに頼って仕事をしるけれど、コンピューターに頼らず、探究心を持っていろいろな表現の可能性を探すという初心を忘れてはいけないなって思いました。ありがとうMilkaさん!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Unique LA on May 7th and 8th @ Cal Mart/ LAのローカルクラフトフェア

今週末(土曜、日曜両日)、ロサンゼルスのアーティストが集まるUnique LAというクラフトフェアが、California Marketであります。


出店しているお店はおしゃれでユニークなお店ばかり。さすがUnique LAという名前なだけあります。ブースの飾り付け、店員さんのファッションなどなど楽しめる要素がたくさんのイベントです。スポンサーになっている会社からフリードリンクがもらえたり、入場の時にUnique LA限定のトートバッグがもらえたりします。

この前のOh Joyのworkshopで知り合ったBiancaも出店しているとの事。

Terri Planty

初めて行ったときは、California Marketのビルの中ではパーキングが探せなかったので。

First time on Etsy... / Etsyにて初めて・・・

First time on Etsy, I sold a print ^^

Thank you very much for finding me. I am happy to imagine that you felt connection with 
the image and chose to purchase. 

I have been modestly selling my prints on Etsy.

Dosanco paper and design

All images are the results of my love for Hokkaido and the inspiration I got from the beautiful nature in Hokkaido. I love Hokkaido! I do my best and find my way to return my gratitude to my loving hometown☆



ちなみに私、Etsyでは、Dosanco paper and design として細々とですが活動をしています。
