Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Origami Rose / 折り紙でつくるバラ

One of the things that I enjoy at a Japanese hair salon is to read Japanese magazines. They usually cost more than twice as their cost in Japan, I can't but that often so when I'm at a hair salon, I would go through as many magazines I can. There were cute pages of new style origami art. Simple me is always attracted and excited when I see paper magic. Here are a photo of my first Origami Rose. Looks more like carnation?

日本の美容室に行くと楽しみなのが、雑誌を読む事☆ こちらで買うと、日本の値段の2倍以上はするので、なかなか買えないのでここぞとばかりに数冊一気に読みまくる。先日は折り紙特集発見。ついつい紙細工に心魅かれてわくわくしてしまう単純な私。なかなか難しい。バラというよりカーネーションになったかな?

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