Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Lunch @ Eatalian Cafe

My product designer friend from Atlanta visited me on the way back to Japan. He graduated from Art Center in Pasadena and he moved to Malaysia about a year ago and then took another adventure to Tokyo. We did a lot of catching up over delicious italian pizza and penne at Eatalian Cafe. This cafe is located in a neighborhood of auto repair shops and warehouses so you would have a nice surprise once you get inside of the cafe. It has some modern, casual, cozy feel. There was no pictures of pizza because we were too hungry to take photos!! My friend told us that he is currently staying at a guest house where new guests are frequently coming in and out. I was pretty impressed by his willingness to accept the constantly changing environment. Pretty inspiring.

15500 S. Broadway St. 
Gardena, CA 90248  
Tel: 310.532.8880


  1. 前にコメント残したのですが反映されてないかなー?と思って再度コメント残します。(だぶってたら消してください;;)

  2. Kaoriさん、お優しいコメントありがとうございます^^
